The generator with super powers

100% renewable, mobile and flexible energy generation system that is used everywhere. Ultra practical, this device is able to democratize and generalize access to solar and wind energy.

The portable renewable energy generator

SEM for Super Energy Mobile. If with such a name, this two-wheeled generator deserves to be featured in a futuristic action film, it’s because it travels everywhere to easily and quickly supply 100% renewable energy. Mobile and remote-controlled, the SEM of the Neapolitan start-up DEAGLE, founded by a team of aerospace and renewable energy executives and engineers, combines solar and wind power, and many advantages that make it the generator of tomorrow. 

With its telescopic windmill mast, automated photovoltaic panels, this system, controlled by an onboard processor that adjusts the orientation and deployment of its equipment to environmental conditions, stores and delivers electricity within seconds of earthing. Several new technologies, protected by a patent, are implemented in its components to improve the battery life cycle and energy productivity compared to a similar system, and to minimize its sound impact during its operation compared to equivalent gasoline generators. SEM’s goal is to bring energy where it is needed, especially in regions where common infrastructure is not economically sustainable: remote rural areas, small communities, event sites, military and humanitarian emergency missions, etc.

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